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7 Reasons Email Marketing Is STILL Effective In 2022

digital marketing email marketing marketing sales social media marketing Aug 25, 2022
A picture of the email logo seen on the apps of phones because the blog is talking about the power of email marketing

Did you know that according to Oberlo, there are still 30-35% of businesses that aren’t utilizing email marketing?  If you’re not utilizing email marketing for your business, you’re missing a key marketing ingredient that could help your business grow in ways you could never imagine.

You may hear people say things like, “Email marketing is dead,” or “Text marketing is better,” but today, I’m going to give you 7 reasons why you should not only be taking email marketing seriously but also investing money into making it as efficient as you can!

Has An Extremely High ROI

Let me hit you with a statistic that is going to blow your mind: according to HubSpot, for every $1 you invest in your email marketing, you can expect a return of anywhere between $36-41.  That statistic alone should have you running out to build/enhance your email list right away!

One of the main reasons that email marketing has such a high ROI is that starting an email list is really simple and cost-effective.  There are even some email providers like Mailchimp that will allow you to send up to 10,000 emails a month for free as well as have 1500 subscribers before you have to pay a monthly fee.

What does this mean?  Simply put, if you made $10,000 a month off those 1,500 subscribers, you’d get to keep ALL the money, without being charged anything.  This makes having an email list, ESPECIALLY if you're a small business, a no-brainer.

Reach 100% Of Your Audience

Being totally transparent, one of the most annoying things to me about social media is that they only show your content to a specific percentage of your followers.  I mean, they decided to follow you, so why does Instagram, for example, only show your content to approximately 6% of them?

Don’t get me wrong, social media is great for “top of the funnel” content and bringing more eyes to your brand, but when you want to build relationships, nurture, and sell to your audience, you don’t want 6% of them seeing your messages . . . you want the whole 100% seeing them (or at least having the chance to see them).

That’s why email marketing is so important to have as a place to funnel people from social media, because algorithms are constantly changing, which means you can’t depend on a social media platform to come through for your business . . . you need to have a backup.

Builds Trust & Awareness

This point piggybacks off of what we just talked about because if your content is only able to be seen according to what the social media platforms want to push out, it’s going to be really hard to build the trust and awareness you need to gain leads and sales for your business.

If you’ve heard of something called the “Mere Exposure Effect,” it basically states that the more people see you and your content, the more they begin to trust you.  Email marketing makes this very simple to get your message(s) in front of your audience as much as you’d like, granted you’ve got something to say.

As they see more of you and your content, it not only builds that trust, but also helps bring about awareness of what your brand does, who they help, and the various solutions that might benefit them in their life and/or business.

Measurable Results

Social media is great for measuring analytics like reach, followers, and engagement, but when it comes to leads and sales for your business, it can be really hard to tell, especially if you’re a service-based business.  Email marketing, however, allows you to see exactly who clicks what as well as who buys based on your links.

No matter what email provider you use, there should be an analytics dashboard that makes it very simple to see things like your open rate, booked calls, sales, etc.  Knowing the numbers is one of the most important things in business because this allows you to know what’s working and also what’s not working.

This allows you to make changes on the go and always be improving your open rates, your lead generation, and your sales through your email marketing.  Make sure you’re checking your email marketing numbers at least once a month so that you make changes if necessary.

Can Create Personal & Segmented Content

When it comes to social media platforms, you really only have one option, and that’s to share a piece of content with your entire audience.  This is great, but what if people follow you for different reasons?

This is where email marketing wins the most in my opinion, and that’s the ability to segment different people into different lists.  Say you have two products that are completely different, and people can opt-in to your list and get a free sample of these products . . .

Chances are, the people who opt-in for one product are going to want completely different emails and information than the people who opted-in for the other product.  Email marketing allows you to build separate sequences and emails so that they can be tailored to the needs of each audience.

This allows you to convert at a higher level than by simply having to send everyone the same piece of information because now that information is hyper-targeted to that specific group based on their problems and the solutions their seeking.

Re-Direct Traffic To Your Other Media Channels

One great thing about email marketing is that it allows you to share your other media channels with your audience, and further educate them when it comes to their problems and the solutions they are looking for.

Just created a YouTube video you think might help them.  Easy to embed and/or share a link to increase the traffic to your YouTube channel.  Something we like to do is share the weekly blog that we write as a way of further educating our audience and also increasing our traffic to our website.

This can be done to increase your social media channels as well as anything other platforms that you’re on, such as a podcast, Reddit, Quora, etc.  Just make sure when you’re pointing someone in a direction, that you’re focusing on ONE platform at a time.  This will increase the likelihood of the email subscriber following through.

Where Selling Makes Sense

When polled, anywhere from 55-65% of people said they felt like they saw too many ads on social media and thought that too much selling occurred on the various platforms.  I tend to agree with this sentiment.

Don’t get me wrong, running ads is great when they’re done right.  I’m more talking about the copious amounts of posts I scroll through every single day saying, “Buy this product,” “Here’s my course,” or “Sign up for this masterclass.”  It becomes a giant turn-off when a brand and/or business is constantly selling in a place that was designed to be social.

I look at social media as “top of the funnel” marketing like we were discussing before, meaning that I see it as a way to bring in a new community, educate them, and build a relationship with them.  Notice how nowhere in there did I mention selling?

Now, I think when you run your social media marketing campaigns right, you’ll get sales as a byproduct, but that shouldn’t be the goal of your social media accounts . . . that should be the goal of your email marketing.

Once you’ve built that relationship with your audience and brought in new members, it then becomes about offering them value, whether it’s a free resource, discount, or whatever you believe will incentivize your audience to opt-in to your email list.

Then you can create a nurturing sequence and begin to introduce your audience to the products and services you offer when it makes sense.  This is why I believe email marketing is the “middle and bottom” funnel marketing because it builds your lead list and brings them along a journey where in the end you offer them something that makes sense.

When you do this through social media, it simply feels like a “hail mary” approach, hoping that someone will make an emotional decision to purchase your products.  However, what ends up happening most of the time is that engagement on sales posts is bad because people don’t go on social media to be sold to.


Hopefully, after reading this, you’ve realized just how important having an email list is for your business.  Email marketing is by far the cheapest marketing tool you can implement while giving you the best ROI, and with social media becoming more and more crowded, it has never been more important than now to prioritize your email marketing!

If you have questions about email marketing and how you can utilize it to better build your business, then click HERE and book a free call with us.  We’d be more than happy to audit your email marketing and give you some tangible ways you can improve upon your strategy!