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How To Repurpose Your Social Media Content Like A Pro

content creation instagram tips pinterest tips social media marketing tiktok tips May 17, 2022

Are you a business owner that re-purposes your social media content across multiple platforms?  If so, then this blog is specifically for you.  Too often, what we see is business owners create content, then simply copy/paste the same content across all of their social channels . . . then wonder why they're not growing?

You're not growing because you don't have a strategy for two things: first, the content you're creating, and second, how you're going to take that content and strategically re-purpose it across the platforms that make sense.  Today, we're going to talk to you about the strategy we use that's allowed us to go viral across 5 social media platforms, and how you can implement this same plan to get similar results for your business and social media profiles.

The first thing that you have to understand is that there are different demographics across each social media platform, so you can't just simply copy/paste and expect to get the same results.  TikTok, for instance, is mostly Gen-Z.  While Instagram is predominantly millennials.  While LinkedIn is used by most business people and professionals.  So you see how creating one piece of content and expecting it to work everywhere is actually quite silly, because everyone consumes content in different ways.

That's why we always split our content up like this: 1/3 of what we create will be for TikTok, 1/3 will be for Instagram, and 1/3 of it will be for Pinterest.  So what do I mean by this?  Well, TikTok is more of an immature, goofy platform, so the 1/3 of the video content we create will be like that.  Pinterest is more of a wholesome platform, so 1/3 of our content will be about our relationships and sweet couple's content.  Then the final 1/3 for Instagram will be heavy on aesthetics and speaking to our millennial peeps.

Now, these may not be the specific platforms you use, but whatever social media platforms, you're on, think about two things: the demographic of people that are on the platform and also why type(s) of content they prefer to consume.  This will help you create a strategy for your content creation that will allow you to re-purpose your content in the most effective way.

If re-purposing content or handling multiple social media accounts seems like a chore, then reach out to us on Instagram @michaelandjill and we'd be happy to set up a call with you and see if there's a way that we can help you start to develop your own social media content strategy!