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Should I Be Batch Creating My Content For My Business?

content creation tips digital marketing agency instagram tips pinterest tips social media marketing tiktok tips May 19, 2022

This is a really great question, and up until about a year ago, we'd have said like most people say now: batch create all of your content . . . but our stance on that has changed a little bit . . . and we want to explain why.

If you look at most social media people's content, they'll tell you that batch creating content is the only way to go, and while we do agree that yes, you should be batching SOME of your content, we truly don't believe you should be batching everything . . . so let's break it down.

If you're creating graphic content i.e. quotes, infographics, carousels, etc. then YES, you should definitely be batching these types of content, because this type of content will typically take the longest out of any content you create.  The last thing you want to do is be trying to come up with ideas and creating this type of content on the fly . . .

This will lead to bouts of frustration and inconsistency . . . trust us, we've been there before.  It's a lot of pressure to wake up and immediately think of a content idea, then create that content, write the caption AND find the hashtags, all before breakfast.  That's too much stress for me lol, so we definitely believe this type of content should be batched, preferably a week at a time, that way, if some trending topic in your industry pops up, you can still slide new content into your already existing batched content.

Now let's talk about short-form video . . . this is the type of content that I DO NOT think you should be batching, and here's why.  When short-form video first started about 5 years ago, trends lasted for anywhere from 2-4 weeks, which meant you could batch create content using a trending concept, song, or hashtag and know that even if it went out in a week, it'd still be trending . . .

That however, is NOT the case anymore . . .

Trends come and go A LOT quicker than they use to, with some only last a few days, which means if you batch record reels for an entire week, and you use that sound, chances are when you go to post it, the sound won't be trending anymore, which will drastically hurt your engagement and reach . . .

What we do is we take three days every week for 15 minutes and we create 2-3 reels at a time.  This ensures that each reel we put up will still have its trending concept and sound, giving us more reach and engagement than we would otherwise have gotten had we batched them for a week.

We have tested BOTH ways and we can tell you with 100% certainty that we get FAR MORE engagement when we create three times a week as opposed to batching them all in one day.  Now, does that mean you HAVE to do this?  Absolutely NOT!  If you find for your schedule and your sanity that batching everything works for you, then you should stick with that . . . 

But if you're looking for the MOST reach, the MOST engagement, then you're going to want to set aside multiple days to create your short-form video content.  And if you need help coming up with a strategy, you can always DM us on Instagram @michaelandjill and we'd be happy to help you create a strategy that works for you!